Available Work Please click on the artwork for details and pricing. Out to Dry One Fine Day Deer and Hare Soaring Pileated Woodpeckers Saco River Herons The Chickadee Shuttle A Murmuration of Starlings Soaring Kestrels A Charm of Hummingbirds Three Night Herons Bridled Murres Soaring Barred Owls Cormorant’s World Chimney Swifts Gathering Bluebirds European Starling Audubon’s Oriole Black-crowned Night Heron Upland Sandpiper Roseate Tern Harlequin Duck Inca Dove Townsend’s Warbler Dark-eyed Junco with Ferns Least Bittern White-breasted Nuthatch Bullock’s Oriole Sedge Wren Cooper’s Hawk American Goldfinch Black Throated Blue Warbler Ross’ Goose Clark’s Nutcracker Thick-billed Longspur Blue Jay Xanthus’ Hummingbird Eastern Bluebird Black-capped Chickadee American Robin Tufted Titmouse House Sparrow